Especially those things we aren’t want to talk, share or even to remind back. Why we always missing someone who don’t really care for us? We rarely think or rewind the memory with the one loves us but we tend to keep imagining on people that perhaps might never or less thinking on us...why it’s always happen in that way? Or if the person cares you in return, then one day he/she would be in the list that we rarely care and someone else will take over the empty space left earlier? Yup, exactly. It’s a process....when somebody didn’t return the care as much as you did, you become so intrigued, confused and keep asking why and why. If only he/she thinks of me right now, as I do....when I asked the same question to myself on and on....I found that it’s your inner feeling.
Now, what normally happen is we put too much hope on people around or close with us and whenever, we don’t get the same care or love, we feel disappointed. We feel as we were cheated or being fooled. My past latest 6 months experience has thought me alot, that’s was the period where I learnt something big...not that I have learnt nothing before, but something every twenty something girls should. And for the lesson I learnt, I feel a little regret, coz I am 25, its quiet late actually but “better late than never” na? So, somehow I struggled and managed to overcome on my own way. Since sharing is caring, I would like to give some free advices: take life in easy way, put less hope on people around you and expect for the unexpected!
Your truly (21.03.10)
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